Vis TekstNy SangNy Kommentar Ny Fil
SangeAA Highlander´s Choice
2 Søstre Sang A Token for the Elvenqueen
2 Forbogstav B

A Highlander´s Choice

Come join me, join me. The fire is warm and the food is good. It is time for tales and singing. Perhaps both, yes both will do. I’ll sing you a tale of two sons of man, two Highlanders in fact, and how they made the humans shine in poor and dark days. A song that elves above all others remember, course this is the tale that makes the old elf smile in the memory of the glories olden days, and puzzle the young elf in wonderment of the unpredictable, maybe not all bad, human race.

The Choice of a Highlander

On Nyravnstads land, a shadow was cast
The supplies were low, and the enemy vast.
And through this country, with the sun going west
Came two travellers, going on with their quest.
They wore kilts of red colour, strapped with two-handed swords
Two men in their prime, with no master nor lord.
They were tired and wary, and needed money for food
So they joined the militia, and were told what to do.
From the depth of the forest, the enemy came
For a reasonless slaughter, on the Windendow Plain.
The humans advanced, with the banner held high
Thus the battle began, to warrior shout and coward cry.

-So lent me your ear, pointy or blond
The story is good, and the fire is warm.-

The battle was short, and the foe headed home
No real victory was seen, and no honour was found.
So Robert and Darric, returned from the fight
But Robert was injured, and lay in sickbay that night.
“Listen my brother, to what I do say
I may have been injured, but I killed more then you this day.”
“It’s not of the killing, but the skill in a fight
I can kill just as many, and come out with both body and life.”
“I’ll take up that bet, and you’ll see that I win
Tomorrow is a fresh day, for the enemy I think.”
And by the morning, the dark creatures came forth
To show their hatred, to Nyravnstads servants and lord.

-So lent me your ear, pointy or blond
The story is good, and the fire is warm.-

By the end of the day, Darric had killed far the most
But now he was the wounded, and Robert laughed at the joke.
“Well you didn’t win the bet, but neither did I
We’ll call it a draw, and return for the night.”
The foe tried again, but was stopped by the sword
But now hunger did strike, as the greatest thread of them all.
“We have jet to be paid, by the lord of these men
My stomach have yield, to be fed once again.”
“Don’t worry my brother; I’ll talk to their lord
We deserve to be paid, for the three times we have fought.”
“So be it my friend, but hear what I say
You have a bad habit, don’t be carried away.”

-So lent me your ear, pointy or blond
The story is good, and the fire is warm.-

But the lord cared not, and no money was paid
So Darric returned, and to his brother he said:
“Their leader is greedy, self loving and sly
He refused to pay us, for the contract we signed.”
So they left his service, but then the fair folk came
To announce an agreement, the two leaders had made.
The allegiance was broken, between elves and man
And the humans would be killed, stepping foot in their land.
The people grew angry, and began cursing the elves
Who had abandoned the humans, and stopped giving those help.
The elves headed for home, shoving no caring or mark
The city grew weak, being left in the dark.

-So lent me your ear, pointy or blond
The story is good, and the fire is warm.-

“My brother I’ll tell you, these elves they are dumb
They’re afraid of the man, but now we’re both fighting alone.
So Robert said to his brother: “Yes perhaps we’re Doomed
But first things first, we need strong ale and good food.”
“You’re a blasted bugger, don’t you see what’s at hand
These people will be slaughtered, to the vary last men.
So they pleaded the elves, to resume the lost aid
But the elves just answered: “You’ll lead to our grave.”
So Robert and Darric, returned to the road
Continuing west, till they saw the Last Pleasant House.
And in song and eating, they soon were consumed
The wonders were many, and the problems were few.

-So lent me your ear, pointy or blond
The story is good, and the fire is warm.-

“We have dwelt far too long, we must continue our quest
But first let us see, if the city is at best.”
But the city had fallen, the lord he was gone
And now the dark-elves controlled, what they bygone had fought.
Now they urged the humans, to bring death to the elves
By accusing another, they had an army obtained.
“Curses upon us, our races have failed
Soon darkness will take us, and evil prevail.”
“We could let this be, and travel away
But then the doom would be sealed, and our race would have failed.”
“No my dear brother, that I can’t take
With our blood and our life, we’ll pay for an others mistake.

-So lent me your ear, pointy or blond
The story is good, and the fire is warm.-

The humans arrived, at the home of the elves
The brothers stood in the crowd, non asked for or against.
The elves lined up, with great effort stood tall
But then two humans shouted, and send shockwaves trough them all.
“The sons of the Highlands, shall stand with the elves
For you we will die, and betray the likeness of our kin.”
They sided with the elves, and prepared for the end
They may have been doomed, but they were never afraid.
“Let’s say our final words, and pay the greatest of debts
Call brother to brother, in life and death!”

-So lent me your ear, pointy or blond
The story is good, and the fire is warm.-

An epic battle was fought, and an evil wizard was slain
And like a spell had been broken, the tide did soon change.
But in the mist of the battle, the two brothers did fall
And more of the fighting, they couldn’t recall.
And so the battle was won, the two races were saved
Though few remembered the brothers, in the following days.
The brothers continued, with the sun going west
Two old brothers of adventure, going on with there quest.
So rest now your ear, pointy or blond
The story was good, now the fire is gone.

Jeg har altid savnet nogle sange, hvor man som skjald kan sætte sig omkring et lejrebål og fortælle om nogle legender, der høre til scenariet. Denne sang høre til Tempus Vivo, og er en af flere sange om de to Højlændere Darric og Robert, på rejse mod Semia(Orion) og hvad de oplevede på rejsen.

Jeg er også stor tilhænger af sungne legender, og jeg kan især godt lide hvordan den her sang har fanget essensen af en typisk dag til rollespil med op til flere slag, brudte alliancer og nederdrægtige magthavende. :)

Jeg er bare lidt ærgelig over, at sangen er på engelsk, for så kan den jo ikke bruges i Tempus, selvom det er den kampagne den er skrevet til. Har du også en dansk version?
Laura Holmegaard

Vis TekstNy SangNy Kommentar Ny Fil
SangeAA Highlander´s Choice
2 Søstre Sang A Token for the Elvenqueen
2 Forbogstav B