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Melodi: "Vandreren"
Forfatter: Stine Kæstel

We do not fight for women, we do not fight for gold
we fight for the sake of the battle
and should you ever meet us, you'll soon be turning cold
you'd better jump back in your saddle

You'll only se bloodlust and joy in our eyes,
orcs cant feel fear we're to clever
an orcs life is glory, we'll fight till we die
we're blessed by our Bartuk forever

When orcs come out to fight you, there’s not a glimpse of fear,
we charge into our ranks and scream, BLOOD!
when people see us coming, from far as well as near,
they tremble in fear of the green flood


3. And after all the lying through bloody rivers we
look out for a sign of some treasure
and if a goblin spots there face lights up with glee,
with that kind of life all is pleasure

Stine Hohwü Kæstel


Vis TekstNy SangNy Kommentar Ny Fil
Blåbærfred Sang Bonden og elverpigen
A Forbogstav C