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SangeAAnyone for Amtgard
Anna var i Anders kær Sang Ave Maria
2 Forbogstav B

Anyone for Amtgard

Twice upon a time
In the valley of the tears
The auctioneer is bidding
On a box of fading years
And the unicorns are dancing
On the graves of squealing mice
Anyone for Amtgard
Wouldn’t that be nice

The barbarians are fighting
On the streets of bloody beer
While the mages stain the pavement
With the souls of people were
And the chariot driving bard
Is booting up his price
Anyone for Amtgard
Wouldn’t that be nice

And the classes in the book
Did give out messages of hope
With ankle bells and fairy tales
And blind divining ropes
And you could tell they’re all the same
Underneath the pretty light
Anyone for Amtgard
Wouldn’t that be nice

Druid wood is hot
Is burning brightly at the zoo
You can bring a fireball
And a lightning spell or two
And fate is setting up the chessboard
While Death rolls out the dice
Anyone for Amtgard
Wouldn’t that be nice

Adapted from a ditty by Eric Clapton

Skrevet af Lord Squire Teliel ap Tiefi om liverollespilsgruppen Amtgard og nogle af de forskellige klasser som spilles i denne gruppes 'battlegames'.
Laura Holmegaard

I andet vers står der:

"The barbarians are fighting
On the streets of bloody beer
While the mages stain the pavement
With the souls of people were"

Er det sidste "were" helt korrekt? Jeg kunne bedre forestille mig, det skulle være "here" (eller evt. "there", men "here" rimer bedre).

Nogen, der kan hjælpe?

Rikke Munchkin Sørensen
Da jeg fik teksten af forfatteren selv stod der helt tydeligt "were". Jeg ved ikke rigtig, hvorfor forfatteren valgte netop det ord, men jeg synes ikke at vi kan vaere bekendt at aendre det, naar Teliel ville have at der skulle staa "were", selvom "here" eller "there" ville lyde bedre.
Laura Holmegaard
Enig - jeg ville bare lige høre...


Vis TekstNy SangNy Kommentar Ny Fil
SangeAAnyone for Amtgard
Anna var i Anders kær Sang Ave Maria
2 Forbogstav B